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Torres Consulting is managed by its principal Sebastian D. Torres. Sebastian became involved in politics during his freshman year at Eastern Kentucky University. Within two weeks of arriving on campus, he joined the local chapters of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) and the College Republicans. Through these organizations, Sebastian was able to develop a firm understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of conservatism while becoming an activist.

Soon after ascending to the role of YAL State Chair, Sebastian became involved in both Governor Matt Bevin’s gubernatorial campaign as well as a Super PAC supporting Senator Rand Paul in his presidential bid. Following a summer of door knocking operations in Iowa, Sebastian worked on campus to defeat Jack Conway. Most notably, his efforts led to Matt Bevin receiving 72% of the student body’s vote in a mock election. Following the election of Governor Matt Bevin, Sebastian became the Kentucky Students For Rand Chairmen supporting Senator Paul’s efforts in early voting states. In this role, he founded over twenty chapters, attended two presidential debates, and managed a field operation in Des Moines featuring over a dozen activists. 

After Senator Paul’s withdrawal from the presidential race, Sebastian served as the Leadership Institute’s Campus Leadership Program Summer Intern. In this role, Sebastian lived in Northern Virginia and underwent substantial training related to media relations, fundraising, and voter engagement. These trainings were put to the test in August of 2016, when Sebastian became the youth campaign manager for Senator Paul’s re-election campaign. At the campaign’s height, Sebastian managed a team of five paid regional directors and 110 campaign interns spread across Kentucky. Under his leadership, Students For Rand successfully staffed Senator Paul’s campaign events while engaging nearly 100,000 voters through door knocking and live calls.

Following Senator Paul’s re-election, Sebastian graduated from Eastern Kentucky University and began studying law in Northern Kentucky. While not originally from Northern Kentucky, Sebastian was quickly able to integrate into its political circles through the Northern Kentucky Young Republicans and various campaigns. The campaigns that occurred in 2018 were a watershed moment for Sebastian. He began working as a consultant for small state house campaigns as opposed to serving as an official member of a larger organization’s structure. This allowed him the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and vendor connections; which he then applied to significantly larger races.

After graduating from law school in 2020, Sebastian decided to formalize his work as a consultant by incorporating Torres Consulting, L.L.C. Since its founding, Torres Consulting has worked to assist several dozen different organizations as they attempted to alter the public policy arena in their states. These organizations range from formal electoral campaigns to non-profit organizations focused on passing policy objectives.

About: About


State Senate Candidates:

Aaron Reed

Sen. Chris McDaniel

State House Candidates:

Mark Cox

Rep. Steve Doan

Thomas Jefferson

Rep. Savannah Maddox

Sarah Mays

Carrie Sanders McKeehan

Former Rep. Wesley Morgan

Former Rep. Curt Nisly

Rep. Felicia Rabourn

Rep. Rebecca Raymer

Robert Schrage

Mary Jo Wedding

Judicial Candidates:

Hon. Judge Matthew Byrne - Ohio 12th District Court of Appeals

Hon. Judge Jennifer Dusing - Family Judge

Former Rep. Joseph Fischer - Kentucky Supreme Court

Hon. Judge Rob Johnson - Circuit Court Judge

Hon. Judge Kendra McCardle - Family Judge

Hon. Judge John Reynolds - Circuit Court Judge


City & County Candidates:

Mayor Julie Metzger Aubuchon - Mayor - City of Florence

Greg Baka - County Supervisor - Henrico County

Jesse Brewer - County Commissioner - Boone County

Hon. Derek J. Campbell - County Attorney - Perry County

Comm’r. Brian Cross - Fire Commissioner - East Naples Fire District

Comm’r. Chris Crossan - Fire Commissioner - North Collier Fire Rescue District

Comm’r. Patrick Dearborn - Fire Commissioner - Greater Naples Fire Rescue District

Tim Guerrette - Board of Elections Supervisor - Collier County

Comm’r. Dan Kowal - County Commissioner - Collier County

Greg Ladd - City Council - City of Lexington

Kelly Lichter - School Board Member - Collier County

David Martin - Circuit Court Clerk - Boone County

Mayor Angelo Peneque - Mayor - City of Cold Spring

Hon. Jordan Dallas Turner - County Attorney - Boone County


Commonwealth Educational Opportunities, Inc.

Commonwealth Educational Opportunities, PAC.

Kenton County Republican Party

Kentucky Tomorrow, PAC.

Pendleton County Republican Party

About: Resume
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